FIRST IMPRESSION: Milani Conceal + Perfect 2-In-1 Foundation

Sunday, September 04, 2016 Dinda Naya 0 Comments

It's been a loooong time since I posted anything on my blog, isn't it?

Udah lama banget nggak sih aku posting di blog ini?

I've been pretty busy with my graduation and post-graduation and moving from Singapore back to Jakarta so I haven't really got time to do any blog post since I am still settling down with everything.

Aku lagi sibuk banget karena aku lulus tahun ini dan aku lagi pindahan juga balik ke Jakarta, jadinya aku jujur belum ada waktu untuk posting lagi.

But! Having that said I am trying my best to be active on my YouTube channel! So if you are not a part of my circle of friend, please do subscribe to get a notification every time I post a new video! :-)

Tapi aku tetep usahain untuk aktif di YouTube channel aku! Jadi kalau kalian belum subscribe ke channel aku, subscribe yuk biar dapat notification kalau aku post video baru!

Back to the good part, I am going to share with you guys about my review on the current most popular drugstore foundation (I assume, lol!), Milani Conceal + Perfect 2-in-1 Foundation!

Balik lagi ke post ini sendiri, hari ini aku mau review tentang foundation yang menurut aku lagi hits banget, Milani Conceal + Perfect 2-in-1 Foundation!

So basically this product contains 30ml of foundation. The packaging itself is slim in shape, so it is very convenient to add in your makeup collection since it won't take that much space. Although it is true that it doesn't have pretty design on the bottle so it won't prettify your vanity. To add on, since it is glass bottle, it might not be the best option for travelling purposes. It comes in a pump which is always a plus!

Produk ini isinya 30ml, jadi sebenernya ukuran standard. Botolnya sendiri nggak gendut, jadi nggak makan banyak tempat, walaupun desain botolnya juga nggak cantik-cantik banget jadi kalau ditaruh di vanity ya biasa aja gitu. Oh ya, botolnya sendiri terbuat dari kaca jadi kalau mau dibawa pergi-pergi harus hati-hati biar nggak pecah! Foundation ini ada pump-nya yang jelas favorit aku!

I am using the color 05 warm beige because I have yellow undertone and actually it fits my color quite well! (For reference, I am using Moonshot 301 and I always go for number 23 on korean cushion foundation, which is always slightly lighter)

Aku pilih warna 05 warm beige. Aku belinya online jadi sebenernya lumayan takut kalau warnanya bakal nggak cocok sama kulit aku! Tapi untungnya karena kulit aku yellow undertone, foundation ini warnanya bener-bener pas sama kulit aku! (Untuk referensi, aku pakai Moonshot 301 dan aku selalu pakai warna nomor 23 untuk cushion korea, dan biasanya cushion koreanya sedikit lebih putih dari kulit aku)

For the full review on full day usage and my thoughts throughout the day, I uploaded a video about it on my YouTube channel in which I will embed down below for your convenience!

Buat full reviewnya tentang pendapat aku setelah aku pakai seharian, aku bikin video di YouTube channel aku! Aku bakal taruh videonya dibawah jadi lebih gampang buat kalian!

I hope you guys enjoy my review! Xx

Aku harap kalian suka ya review aku! Xx